
Enact Partners specializes in quick turnaround times, flexibility, and providing access to decision makers who can provide the capital you need to buy and develop property

Need To Fund a Special Project? We Often Go Where Banks Refuse

We know there are times when you need to close quickly to seize an opportunity or avoid paying taxes. We also know there are loan types and circumstances that traditional banks refuse to touch. Given the right circumstances of borrower, location, and project, Enact Partners provides the capital you need to buy and develop property.

Need To Fund a Special Project? We Often Go Where Banks Refuse Read More »

Borrowers and lenders (including Enact Partners) are watching with growing interest how various economic factors are affecting real estate, lending, inflation, and other aspects of the economy

What Borrowers Need to Know About Various Economic Factors and Their Effects on Real Estate and Lending

Whether or not the United States is in a recession seems up for debate, depending on who you talk to and whose numbers you use. What’s not up for debate is that borrowers and lenders of all stripes and types are watching with growing interest how various economic factors are affecting real estate, lending, inflation,

What Borrowers Need to Know About Various Economic Factors and Their Effects on Real Estate and Lending Read More »

Aerial Views to Uncover Hidden Investment Gems in San Jose.

Revolving Construction Loans: Rolling Out a New Product

Enact Partners recently unveiled a brand-new product for residential subdivision construction projects: revolving construction loans. Normally, loans for large subdivisions are split into phases. The Fund’s recent 63-unit Merced project is a good example. We funded six separate loans to finance construction of about 10 homes each. The builder constructed 10 spec homes at a

Revolving Construction Loans: Rolling Out a New Product Read More »

A strategic LTV approach helps borrowers and investors thrive

Loan-To-Value: A Simple Equation with Complicated Implications

Loan-to-Value (LTV) is a private lender’s most important metric when deciding if a loan is safe or not. What does it mean, why is it important, and what is Enact Partners’ philosophy? What Does LTV mean? Loan-to-Value is calculated by taking the loan amount divided by the collateral value. The result is a percentage that

Loan-To-Value: A Simple Equation with Complicated Implications Read More »